MEDIA RELEASE 13 December 2017
Independent review reveals Barneson Boulevard is NOT the best traffic option for Darwin CBD An independent review of the traffic modelling report used by the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics to “sell” Barneson Boulevard to the public will be released this week by the STOP Barneson Boulevard community group.
The independent review was financed by local residents and shows that Barneson Boulevard is NOT the best traffic option for Darwin. You can read the review here: Road review
An analysis of the Jacobs Modelling report was carried out by i3 consultants in WA and indicates that terminating Barneson Boulevard in a roundabout at McMinn Street (rather than continuing the road to Cavenagh Street) provides a superior traffic solution to the currently proposed design.
Nick Kirlew, spokesman for the STOP Barneson Boulevard community group, said today, “It is clear that the current design will result in worse CBD traffic outcomes for Darwin, with longer delays at traffic lights across the network and increased congestion in Cavenagh Street in particular.”
Benefits of the “alternative strategy” of stopping Barneson Boulevard at McMinn Street are outlined in the i3 review as…
“Reduced delays on the road network, reduced travel times, no impact on Cavenagh and Woods Streets and a more logical arterial road network that accommodates traffic to and from the CBD but does not encourage it to travel through the CBD”
Other major benefits include: Frog Hollow remaining intact, maintenance of the Goyder grid with Woods Street remaining intact and the potential to utilize the proposed road corridor as a green public space linking pedestrians and cyclists from McMinn Street with the CBD through Frog Hollow.
A more comprehensive modelling report of various options and layouts is recommended by i3 for such a “significant transport infrastructure project” than the fairly brief Jacobs Modelling report that assessed only a single option.
Mr Kirlew said “These alternative options must include expanding and upgrading existing infrastructure, and serious consideration of fast efficient public transport and active transport options that are really viable.”
“Our members are calling on the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics to cease the tender process immediately and consider alternative options to enable the best transport outcomes for our city’s future.”
Media contact: Co-chair Heather Ferguson 0419 991 581
Nick Kirlew 0447 499 794