Barneson Boulevard is a new four-lane arterial road that will cut a swathe through the Frog Hollow arts precinct and stop dead at a new traffic light T-intersection at Woolworths in Cavenagh Street. It is considered necessary to solve “traffic congestion” in Darwin. Read more here Introduction
Cultural, botanical and historical assets
Here is a copy of the list of significant trees for the Darwin region. Significant trees of the Darwin region.
Also there is a discrepancy between how many trees the project will destroy. Our tree count is recorded here: NT Government Plants 8000 trees, maybe
The history of Frog Hollow does not seem to be collated in one place, but there are plenty of interesting snippets. Frog Hollow History.
The uncovering of, and exposure to seriously degraded land
Probably the scariest part of all this is that the NTG were happy to advise the residents of Darwin (and other project stakeholders presumably) that there is no contamination identified in the Barneson Boulevard project. There is more to this story than meets the eye ...
One Mile Dam
The residents want to know what the government intends to do to reduce the risk of toxins coming onto their land from offsite either airborne or in water flows. They want to know what health and safety measures are in place for them and environmental measures are in place for the safety and health of future generations.
The destruction of public open space
Earlier in 2011, after a long gap in long term planning, the Strategic Branch of the Department of Lands and Planning issued 'Greater Darwin Region Land Use Plan, towards 2030. Consultation report.' in the Growing Territory series. PLan has reference copies of the report at Shop 23 at Rapid Creek business village.
This report overviews the present planning situation, then sets out ideas for accommodating residential and commercial growth until 2025 and 2010 through land use planning and changing urban design parameters (82 pages).
Guess what all those plans are gone! Broken links to empty government web sites.
A city in direct opposition to good planning practices specifically in regards to traffic management
How many city plans can you count?
8 Steps to STOP Barneson Boulevard
See this page 8 ways to STOP Barneson Boulevard